How to fix Different Dimension Me Not Working? When you are trying to join the AI anime trend, it would be so disappointing when Different Dimension Me throws one of these messages at you:
- "Service is being upgraded, please come back later".
- "The event is too hot, please try again later".
- "The User's face was not detected".
The face detection error is easy to solve, you just make sure there is at least one human being in the image, instead of containing your cat and dog only.

Most users are perplexed by the "Service is being upgraded, please come back later" message. Some encounter it when tapping the Play Now button, while others may succeed in uploading, but then the app stuck at 90%.
Here are all the current solutions proved to work. Depending on your location, IP, and entrance (via mobile browser, mobile app, or desktop browser), some of the following methods will help you fix the error.
New Updates: Different Dimension Me Has an English Version Now

The landing page of Different Dimension Me is now localized with English UI. The official name is "Me In Comics".
Previously when this AI anime generator goes viral in Twitter, Reddit and Instagram, there is yet an official English version. So, bloggers and tech publications use the literal translation of "异次元的我" (Different Dimension Me).
As a clarification for our readers, Me In Comics and Different Dimension Me refers to the same AI anime generator in this tutorial.
How to Fix QQ Different Dimension Me Not Working Error
We have gathered all the possible solutions to solve Different Dimension Me not working error. See pros and cons before you get stared.
- Force refresh the web page: The quickest solution with lower success rate, depending on your region.
- Use Different Dimension Me directly inside the QQ app: 100% workable, but it takes some time to register the app.
- Use the Telegram Bot: 100% workable, but the bot is not developed by nor related to the QQ AI Anime team.
- Change your region: Higher success rate.
Check detailed steps below for each method.
Method 1. Force Refresh the Web Page
After landing on the official page of Different Dimension Me, tap the Play Now button.
If you are prompted with the server upgrading error, the quickest fix is to force refresh the webpage. You can do so multiple times and see if it works.
Press Ctrl+F5 to force refresh (Cmd+F5 on Mac).
If you are using a mobile browser, tap the refresh icon.
If this method won't work for your specific case, go on with method 2 instead.
📢 Tips: Use AI Upscaler to Enhance Image Resolution
Many AI art generators and AI profile generators only deliver low-resolution images. If you want a clear high-resolution images/profile photos/AI art posters, you can use the Best AI Upscaler – VideoProc Converter AI.
Download VideoProc Converter AI now to enhance your videos and images with AI:
Note: The Windows version now supports AI-powered Super Resolution, Frame Interpolation, and Stabilization to enhance video and image quality. These AI features are not yet available in the Mac version but will be coming soon.
Method 2. Use Different Dimension Me Utility inside QQ App
Different Dimension Me (official name Me In Comics) is a utility developed by the QQ team from Tencent Software. Previously, many of us can directly use Different Dimension Me as an H5 online utility.
However, depending on your region (or more specifically, your IP's region), you may see the message " Service is being upgraded, please come back later". To solve this Different Dimension Me not working error, you can directly use this AI Anime generator inside its official QQ app, instead of visiting its web.
Step 1. Download the QQ app from App Store.
Step 2. Register a QQ account and log in.
If you cannot register the account directly inside the App, check the QQ registration tutorial below to register via Web QQ.
After logging in, you shall see the Different Dimension Me appear on the top banner. Tap it to start using the utility inside the QQ app. If the banner didn't show up, go on with step 3.

Step 3. Typing AI in the search box and tap the banner featuring Different Dimension Me.

Cannot Find Different Dimension Me inside QQ APP?
1. If you still cannot find the entrance into Different Dimension Me inside QQ, you can copy and paste the official URL, and send it in a QQ chat.
For instance, you can find any contact in your QQ app, and send that link. Tap on the link, and it will take you to the utility. You can then start using this AI generator directly inside the app.
2. Visit Different Dimension Me on your iPhone/Android Phone using a browser app, and you shall see a alert "Open in QQ?", tap the Open button.

Step 4. Start using Different Dimension Me.
Tapping the Play Now button and the Upload photo button.
If you are on iPhone or iPad, grant the app with photo access. It is the same as when you are using other apps that require access to photos. You can allow the app to access selected photos, or your photos library.
Detailed Information on How to Register a QQ Account
1) Visit the official webpage to register an QQ account.
Or you can manually enter the URL in your browser's address bar, and it will take you to the official registration page:
Note: Make sure to visit the URL from a desktop browser so that you can register directly inside the webpage. If you visit the link via the browser in your mobile, it will ask you to open up the app, instead of registering on-page.
2) Set your username (which you can change later) and password.
3) Select the region code and enter your phone number.
4) Send verification code to your phone, and input the code.
5) Hit Sign up now.

Method 3. Use the Telegram Bot for Different Dimension Me
Another workaround to fix Different Dimension Me Not Working error is use a Telegram Bot. The basic assumption is, since Different Dimension Me is not working in your region, the Bot can help you with workable IPs.
Note: This Anime AI bot on Telegram is not an official utility of QQ Different Dimension Me. Please use it at your discretion. You may not want to send your private pictures to the bot.
Step 1. Go to Appstore to download and install the Telegram app.
Telegram is an instant message app, just like Whatsapp or Messenger.
Step 2. Under the Chats tab, search for Anime AI.
Tap the one named Anime AI | as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3. Tap on the bot to go inside the chatting panel. Send the image you want to transform into AI Anime.

Step 4. Wait for the bot to process your request. In 15-20 seconds, it will send back the AI image generated by Different Dimension Me (Me In Comics).
Step 5. Tap the "Direct link to photo" to save your AI anime image.
Method 4. Change Your Region with a VPN or a Proxy
You can also resolve "Different Dimension Me not working" error by changing your IP region, so that you can use Different Dimension Me in available regions. The method is handy if you already have subscribed to VPN services, such as ExpressVPN, NordVPN, or other popular service providers.
If you don't have a VPN or proxy, it may take you some time to set it up.
Step 1. Open up your VPN on the mobile phone, and change its region.
Step 2. Visit the official site of Different Dimension Me listed above.
Step 3. Tap the pink button Play Now to start generating AI anime.
Step 4. If the error message "Service is being upgraded, please come back later" or "The event is too hot, please try again later" shows up again, use VPN to switch to another region and refresh the page again.
Disclaimer: Please check the local laws before using VPN or proxy services.
How to Bypass the QQ Different Dimension Me Limits
Are you running out of chances to create AI Anime?
Previously, you can use Different Dimension Me to create AI images as many times as you want. From now on, its developer decided to impose some limitations on users.
Now you can only generate AI anime for two times freely. To bypass the limits, you need to finish the tasks issued by Different Dimension Me.
For instance, it may require you to download other apps (see screenshot below), then you can acclaim 3 credits to use the utility for another 3 images.

To bypass the limits, you can turn on the incognito mode in your web browser.
If you are using Different Dimension Me directly inside the QQ app (method 2 above), the task is "play 2 times when referring to a friend". To do so, you simply need to share it to your QQ contact. If you share it to 10 friends, you got 20 times for AI anime generation.
Depending on your region, the tasks can be different.